Source code for graph_pes.utils.analysis

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Iterable

import ase
import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.lines
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from cycler import cycler
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from torch import Tensor

from graph_pes.utils.calculator import GraphPESCalculator, merge_predictions
from graph_pes.utils.misc import voigt_6_to_full_3x3

from ..atomic_graph import AtomicGraph, PropertyKey, to_batch
from ..graph_pes_model import GraphPESModel

Transform = Callable[[Tensor, AtomicGraph], Tensor]
Transforms map a property, :math:`x`, to a target property, :math:`y`,
conditioned on an :class:`~graph_pes.AtomicGraph`, :math:`\mathcal{G}`:

.. math::

    T: (x; \mathcal{G}) \mapsto y

def identity(x: Tensor, graph: AtomicGraph) -> Tensor:
    return x

_my_style = {
    "figure.figsize": (3.5, 3),
    "axes.spines.right": False,
    "": False,
    "legend.frameon": False,
    "legend.fancybox": False,
    "savefig.transparent": False,
    "axes.prop_cycle": cycler(


def move_axes(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None):  # type: ignore
    """Move the axes outward."""
    ax: plt.Axes = ax or plt.gca()
    ax.spines["left"].set_position(("outward", 10))
    ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 10))

[docs] def parity_plot( model: GraphPESModel | GraphPESCalculator, structures: Iterable[AtomicGraph] | Iterable[ase.Atoms], property: PropertyKey = "energy", transform: Transform | None = None, units: str | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None, # type: ignore batch_size: int = 5, **scatter_kwargs, ): r""" A nicely formatted parity plot of model predictions vs ground truth for the given :code:`property`. Parameters ---------- model The model to for generating predictions. structures The structures to make predictions on. property The property to plot, e.g. :code:`"energy"`. transform The transform to apply to the predictions and labels before plotting. If not provided, no transform is applied. units The units of the property, for labelling the axes. If not provided, no units are used. ax The axes to plot on. If not provided, the current axes are used. batch_size The size of the batch to use for making predictions. scatter_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :code:`plt.scatter`. Examples -------- Default settings (no units, transforms or custom scatter keywords): .. code-block:: python parity_plot(model, train, "energy") .. image:: Cu-LJ-default-parity.svg :align: center Custom settings, as seen in :doc:`this example notebook <../quickstart/custom-training-loop>`: .. code-block:: python from graph_pes.atomic_graph import DividePerAtom from graph_pes.util import Keys for name, data, colour in zip( ["Train", "Test"], [train, test], ["royalblue", "crimson"], ): parity_plot( model, data, "energy", transform=DividePerAtom(), units="eV / atom", label=name, c=colour, ) plt.legend(loc="upper left", fancybox=False); .. image:: ../quickstart/parity-plot.svg :align: center """ # deal with defaults transform = transform or identity calc = ( GraphPESCalculator(model) if isinstance(model, GraphPESModel) else model ) graphs = [ AtomicGraph.from_ase(s, calc.model.cutoff.item() + 0.001) if isinstance(s, ase.Atoms) else s for s in structures ] # get the predictions per_struct_predictions = calc.calculate_all(graphs, [property], batch_size) if any(property not in for g in graphs): raise ValueError( f"Property {property} is not available for all structures " "you passed" ) predictions = torch.tensor( merge_predictions(per_struct_predictions)[property] ) if property in ["stress", "virial"]: # reconvert from calculator ase format to 3x3 predictions = voigt_6_to_full_3x3(predictions) # okay to form a big batch since not passing through model batch = to_batch(graphs) # transform ground_truth = transform([property], batch).detach() predicted = transform(predictions, batch) # plot ax: plt.Axes = ax or plt.gca() default_kwargs = dict(lw=0, clip_on=False) scatter_kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **scatter_kwargs} ax.scatter(ground_truth, predicted, **scatter_kwargs) # get a point guaranteed to be on the plot z = ground_truth.view(-1)[0].item() ax.axline((z, z), slope=1, c="k", ls="--", lw=1) # aesthetics axis_label = ( f"{property.capitalize()} ({units})" if units else property.capitalize() ) ax.set_xlabel(f"True {axis_label}") ax.set_ylabel(f"Predicted {axis_label}") ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim") x0, x1 = ax.get_xlim() y0, y1 = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_xlim(min(x0, y0), max(x1, y1)) ax.set_ylim(min(x0, y0), max(x1, y1)) move_axes(ax) # 5 ticks each ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5))
[docs] def dimer_curve( model: GraphPESModel, system: str, units: str | None = None, set_to_zero: bool = True, rmin: float = 0.9, rmax: float | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None, # type: ignore auto_lim: bool = True, **plot_kwargs, ) -> matplotlib.lines.Line2D: r""" A nicely formatted dimer curve plot for the given :code:`system`. Parameters ---------- model The model for generating predictions. system The dimer system. Should be one of: a single element, e.g. :code:`"Cu"`, or a pair of elements, e.g. :code:`"CuO"`. units The units of the energy, for labelling the axes. If not provided, no units are used. set_to_zero Whether to set the energy of the dimer at :code:`rmax` to be zero. rmin The minimum seperation to consider. rmax The maximum seperation to consider. ax The axes to plot on. If not provided, the current axes are used. plot_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :code:`plt.plot`. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from graph_pes.utils.analysis import dimer_curve from graph_pes.models import LennardJones dimer_curve(LennardJones(sigma=1.3, epsilon=0.5), system="OH", units="eV") .. image:: dimer-curve.svg :align: center """ # noqa: E501 trial_atoms = ase.Atoms(system) if len(trial_atoms) != 2: system = system + "2" if rmax is None: rmax = model.cutoff.item() + 0.5 rs = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, 200) dimers = [ase.Atoms(system, positions=[[0, 0, 0], [r, 0, 0]]) for r in rs] graphs = [AtomicGraph.from_ase(d, cutoff=rmax + 0.1) for d in dimers] batch = to_batch(graphs) with torch.no_grad(): energy = model.predict_energy(batch).numpy() if set_to_zero: energy -= energy[-1] ax: plt.Axes = ax or plt.gca() default_kwargs = dict(lw=1, c="k") plot_kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **plot_kwargs} line = ax.plot(rs, energy, **plot_kwargs)[0] assert isinstance(line, matplotlib.lines.Line2D) if auto_lim: limiting_energy = energy[-1] if (energy[:-1] < limiting_energy).any(): well_depth = limiting_energy - energy[:-1].min() else: well_depth = 0.1 bottom = limiting_energy - well_depth * 1.1 top = limiting_energy + well_depth * 1.1 ax.set_ylim(bottom, top) first_in_view = np.where(energy < top)[0][0] ax.set_xlim(rs[first_in_view].item() - 0.2, rs[-1] + 0.2) ax.set_xlabel("r (Å)") ax.set_ylabel(f"Dimer Energy ({units})" if units else "Dimer Energy") move_axes(ax) # 5 ticks each ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) return line