Distance Expansions

Available Expansions

graph-pes exposes the DistanceExpansion base class, together with implementations of a few common expansions:

class graph_pes.models.components.distances.Bessel(n_features, cutoff, trainable=True)[source]

Bases: DistanceExpansion

The Bessel expansion:

\[\phi_{n}(r) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{r_{\text{cut}}}} \frac{\sin(n \pi \frac{r}{r_\text{cut}})}{r} \quad n \in [1, n_\text{features}]\]

where \(r_\text{cut}\) is the cutoff radius and \(n\) is the order of the Bessel function, as introduced in Directional Message Passing for Molecular Graphs.

import torch
from graph_pes.models.components.distances import Bessel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cutoff = 5.0
bessel = Bessel(n_features=4, cutoff=cutoff)
r = torch.linspace(0, cutoff, 101) # (101,)

with torch.no_grad():
    embedding = bessel(r) # (101, 4)

plt.plot(r / cutoff, embedding)
plt.xlabel(r"$r / r_c$")
  • n_features (int) – The number of features to expand into.

  • cutoff (float) – The cutoff radius.

  • trainable (bool) – Whether the expansion parameters are trainable.


\(n\), the frequencies of the Bessel functions.

class graph_pes.models.components.distances.GaussianSmearing(n_features, cutoff, trainable=True)[source]

Bases: DistanceExpansion

A Gaussian smearing expansion:

\[\phi_{n}(r) = \exp\left(-\frac{(r - \mu_n)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \quad n \in [1, n_\text{features}]\]

where \(\mu_n\) is the center of the \(n\)’th Gaussian and \(\sigma\) is a width shared across all the Gaussians.

import torch
from graph_pes.models.components.distances import GaussianSmearing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cutoff = 5.0
gaussian = GaussianSmearing(n_features=4, cutoff=cutoff)
r = torch.linspace(0, cutoff, 101)  # (101,)

with torch.no_grad():
    embedding = gaussian(r)  # (101, 4)

plt.plot(r / cutoff, embedding)
plt.xlabel(r"$r / r_c$")
  • n_features (int) – The number of features to expand into.

  • cutoff (float) – The cutoff radius.

  • trainable (bool) – Whether the expansion parameters are trainable.


\(\mu_n\), the centers of the Gaussians.


\(\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\), the coefficient of the exponent.

class graph_pes.models.components.distances.SinExpansion(n_features, cutoff, trainable=True)[source]

Bases: DistanceExpansion

A sine expansion:

\[\phi_{n}(r) = \sin\left(\frac{n \pi r}{r_\text{cut}}\right) \quad n \in [1, n_\text{features}]\]

where \(r_\text{cut}\) is the cutoff radius and \(n\) is the frequency of the sine function.

import torch
from graph_pes.models.components.distances import SinExpansion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cutoff = 5.0
sine = SinExpansion(n_features=4, cutoff=cutoff)
r = torch.linspace(0, cutoff, 101)  # (101,)
with torch.no_grad():
    embedding = sine(r)  # (101, 4)

plt.plot(r / cutoff, embedding)
plt.xlabel(r"$r / r_c$")
  • n_features (int) – The number of features to expand into.

  • cutoff (float) – The cutoff radius.

  • trainable (bool) – Whether the expansion parameters are trainable.


\(n\), the frequencies of the sine functions.

class graph_pes.models.components.distances.ExponentialRBF(n_features, cutoff, trainable=True)[source]

Bases: DistanceExpansion

The exponential radial basis function expansion, as introduced in PhysNet: A Neural Network for Predicting Energies, Forces, Dipole Moments and Partial Charges:

\[\phi_{n}(r) = \exp\left(-\beta_n \cdot(\exp(-r_{ij}) - \mu_n)^2 \right) \quad n \in [1, n_\text{features}]\]

where \(\beta_n\) and \(\mu_n\) are the (inverse) width and center of the \(n\)’th expansion, respectively.

Following PhysNet, \(\mu_n\) are evenly spaced between \(\exp(-r_{\text{cut}})\) and \(1\), and:

\[\left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\beta_n} \right)^2 = \frac{1 - \exp(-r_{\text{cut}})}{n_\text{features}}\]
import torch
from graph_pes.models.components.distances import ExponentialRBF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cutoff = 5.0
rbf = ExponentialRBF(n_features=10, cutoff=cutoff)
r = torch.linspace(0, cutoff, 101)  # (101,)
with torch.no_grad():
    embedding = rbf(r)  # (101, 10)

plt.plot(r / cutoff, embedding)
plt.xlabel(r"$r / r_c$")
  • n_features (int) – The number of features to expand into.

  • cutoff (float) – The cutoff radius.

  • trainable (bool) – Whether the expansion parameters are trainable.


\(\beta_n\), the (inverse) widths of each basis.


\(\mu_n\), the centers of each basis.

Implementing a new Expansion

class graph_pes.models.components.distances.DistanceExpansion(n_features, cutoff, trainable=True)[source]

Abstract base class for an expansion function, \(\phi(r) : [0, r_{\text{cutoff}}] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n_\text{features}}\).

Subclasses should implement expand(), which must also work over batches:

\[\phi(r) : [0, r_{\text{cutoff}}]^{n_\text{batch} \times 1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n_\text{batch} \times n_\text{features}}\]
  • n_features (int) – The number of features to expand into.

  • cutoff (float) – The cutoff radius.

  • trainable (bool) – Whether the expansion parameters are trainable.

abstract expand(r)[source]

Perform the expansion.


r (torch.Tensor) – The distances to expand. Guaranteed to have shape \((..., 1)\).

Return type:



Call the expansion as normal in PyTorch.


r (Tensor) – The distances to expand.

Return type:
