Source code for graph_pes.models.painn

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn

from graph_pes.atomic_graph import (
from graph_pes.graph_pes_model import GraphPESModel
from graph_pes.models.components.scaling import LocalEnergiesScaler
from graph_pes.utils.nn import (

from .components.distances import Bessel, PolynomialEnvelope

[docs] class Interaction(nn.Module): r""" The interaction block of the :class:`PaiNN` model. Continuous filters generated from neighbour distances are convolved with existing scalar embeddings to create messages :math:`x_{j \rightarrow i}` for each neighbour :math:`j` of atom :math:`i`. Scalar total messages, :math:`\Delta s_i`, are created by summing over neighbours, while vector total messages, :math:`\Delta v_i`, incorporate directional information from neighbour unit vectors and existing vector embeddings. The code aims to follow **Figure 2b** of the `PaiNN paper <>`_ as closely as possible. Parameters ---------- radial_features The number of radial features to expand bond distances into. channels The number of channels of the internal representations. cutoff The cutoff distance for the radial features. """ def __init__( self, radial_features: int, channels: int, cutoff: float, ): super().__init__() self.channels = channels self.filter_generator = HaddamardProduct( nn.Sequential( Bessel(radial_features, cutoff), nn.Linear(radial_features, channels * 3), ), PolynomialEnvelope(cutoff), ) self.Phi = MLP( [channels, channels, channels * 3], activation=nn.SiLU(), ) def forward( self, vector_embeddings: Tensor, scalar_embeddings: Tensor, graph: AtomicGraph, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: d = neighbour_distances(graph).unsqueeze(-1) # (E, 1) unit_vectors = neighbour_vectors(graph) / d # (E, 3) # continous filter message creation new_features = self.Phi(scalar_embeddings) # (N, 3D) edge_embeddings = self.filter_generator(d) # (E, 3D) x_ij = index_over_neighbours(new_features, graph) * edge_embeddings a, b, c = torch.split(x_ij, self.channels, dim=-1) # (E, D) # simple sum over neighbours to get scalar messages delta_s = sum_over_neighbours(a, graph) # create vector messages v_ij = b.unsqueeze(-1) * unit_vectors.unsqueeze(1) # (E, D, 3) v_ij = v_ij + c.unsqueeze(-1) * index_over_neighbours( vector_embeddings, graph ) delta_v = sum_over_neighbours(v_ij, graph) return delta_v, delta_s # (N, D, 3), (N, D)
class VectorLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int): super().__init__() self._linear = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=False) def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: # a hack to swap the vector and channel dimensions return self._linear(x.transpose(-1, -2)).transpose(-1, -2)
[docs] class Update(nn.Module): r""" The update block of the :class:`PaiNN` model. Projections of vector embeddings are used to update the scalar embeddings, and vice versa. The code aims to follow **Figure 2c** of the `PaiNN paper <>`_ as closely as possible. Parameters ---------- channels The number of channels of the internal representations. """ def __init__(self, channels: int): super().__init__() self.channels = channels self.U = VectorLinear(channels, channels) self.V = VectorLinear(channels, channels) self.mlp = MLP( [channels * 2, channels, channels * 3], activation=nn.SiLU(), ) def forward( self, vector_embeddings: Tensor, scalar_embeddings: Tensor ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: u = self.U(vector_embeddings) # (N, D, 3) v = self.V(vector_embeddings) # (N, D, 3) # stack scalar message and the norm of v vnorm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(v**2, dim=-1) + 1e-8) m =[scalar_embeddings, vnorm], dim=-1) # (N, 2D) m = self.mlp(m) # (N, 3D) # split the update into 3 parts a, b, c = torch.split(m, self.channels, dim=-1) # (N, D) # vector update: delta_v = u * a.unsqueeze(-1) # (N, D, 3) # scalar update: dot = torch.sum(u * v, dim=-1) # (N, D) delta_s = b + c * dot # (N, D) return delta_v, delta_s
[docs] class PaiNN(GraphPESModel): r""" The `Polarizable Atom Interaction Neural Network (PaiNN) <>`_ model. Alternating :class:`~graph_pes.models.painn.Interaction` and :class:`~graph_pes.models.painn.Update` blocks are used to residually update both vector and scalar per-atom embeddings. Citation: .. code-block:: bibtex @misc{Schutt-21-06, title = { Equivariant Message Passing for the Prediction of Tensorial Properties and Molecular Spectra }, author = { Sch{\"u}tt, Kristof T. and Unke, Oliver T. and Gastegger, Michael }, year = {2021}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2102.03150}, } Parameters ---------- channels The number of channels of the internal representations. radial_features The number of radial features to expand bond distances into. layers The number of (interaction + update) layers to use. cutoff The cutoff distance for the radial features. Examples -------- Configure a PaiNN model for use with ``graph-pes-train``: .. code:: yaml model: +PaiNN: channels: 32 layers: 3 cutoff: 5.0 """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, channels: int = 32, radial_features: int = 20, layers: int = 3, cutoff: float = DEFAULT_CUTOFF, ): super().__init__( cutoff=cutoff, implemented_properties=["local_energies"], ) self.channels = channels self.z_embedding = PerElementEmbedding(channels) self.interactions = UniformModuleList( Interaction(radial_features, channels, cutoff) for _ in range(layers) ) self.updates = UniformModuleList( Update(channels) for _ in range(layers) ) self.read_out = MLP( [channels, channels, 1], activation=nn.SiLU(), ) self.scaler = LocalEnergiesScaler() def forward(self, graph: AtomicGraph) -> dict[PropertyKey, Tensor]: # initialise embbedings: # - scalars as an embedding of the atomic numbers scalars = self.z_embedding(graph.Z) # - vectors as all 0s: vectors = torch.zeros( (number_of_atoms(graph), self.channels, 3), device=graph.Z.device ) # iteratively interact and update the scalar and vector embeddings for interaction, update in zip(self.interactions, self.updates): dv, ds = interaction(vectors, scalars, graph) vectors = vectors + dv scalars = scalars + ds dv, ds = update(vectors, scalars) vectors = vectors + dv scalars = scalars + ds # mlp read out local_energies = self.read_out(scalars).squeeze() # scaling local_energies = self.scaler(local_energies, graph) return {"local_energies": local_energies}