Source code for graph_pes.interfaces._mace

from __future__ import annotations

from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Literal

import requests
import torch

from graph_pes import AtomicGraph, GraphPESModel
from graph_pes.atomic_graph import PropertyKey, is_batch, to_batch
from graph_pes.utils.misc import MAX_Z

MACE_KEY_MAPPING: dict[str, PropertyKey] = {
    "node_energy": "local_energies",
    "energy": "energy",
    "forces": "forces",
    "stress": "stress",
    "virials": "virial",

class ZToOneHot(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, elements: list[int]):
        self.register_buffer("z_to_index", torch.full((MAX_Z + 1,), -1))
        for i, z in enumerate(elements):
            self.z_to_index[z] = i
        self.num_classes = len(elements)

    def forward(self, Z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        indices = self.z_to_index[Z]
        return torch.nn.functional.one_hot(indices, self.num_classes)

def _atomic_graph_to_mace_input(
    graph: AtomicGraph,
    z_to_one_hot: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor],
) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
    if not is_batch(graph):
        graph = to_batch([graph])

    assert graph.batch is not None
    assert graph.ptr is not None

    _cell_per_edge = graph.cell[
    ]  # (E, 3, 3)
    _shifts = torch.einsum(
        "kl,klm->km", graph.neighbour_cell_offsets, _cell_per_edge
    )  # (E, 3)
    data = {
        "node_attrs": z_to_one_hot(graph.Z).to(torch.get_default_dtype()),
        "positions": graph.R,
        "cell": graph.cell,
        "edge_index": graph.neighbour_list,
        "unit_shifts": graph.neighbour_cell_offsets,
        "shifts": _shifts,
        "batch": graph.batch,
        "ptr": graph.ptr,
    return {k: for k, v in data.items()}

[docs] class MACEWrapper(GraphPESModel): """ Converts any MACE model from the `mace-torch <>`__ package into a :class:`~graph_pes.GraphPESModel`. You can use this to drive MD using LAMMPS, fine-tune MACE models, or any functionality that ``graph-pes`` provides. Parameters ---------- model The MACE model to wrap. Examples -------- >>> mace_torch_model = ... # create your MACE model any-which way >>> from graph_pes.interfaces._mace import MACEWrapper >>> graph_pes_model = MACEWrapper(mace_torch_model) # convert to graph-pes >>> graph_pes_model.predict_energy(graph) torch.Tensor([123.456]) >>> from graph_pes.utils.calculator import GraphPESCalculator >>> calculator = GraphPESCalculator(graph_pes_model) >>> calculator.calculate(ase_atoms) """ def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module): super().__init__( model.r_max.item(), implemented_properties=[ "local_energies", "energy", "forces", "stress", "virial", ], ) self.model = model self.z_to_one_hot = ZToOneHot(self.model.atomic_numbers.tolist()) def forward(self, graph: AtomicGraph) -> dict[PropertyKey, torch.Tensor]: return self.predict( graph, ["local_energies", "energy", "forces", "stress", "virial"] ) def predict( self, graph: AtomicGraph, properties: list[PropertyKey], ) -> dict[PropertyKey, torch.Tensor]: raw_predictions = self.model.forward( _atomic_graph_to_mace_input(graph, self.z_to_one_hot),, compute_force="forces" in properties, compute_stress="stress" in properties, compute_virials="virial" in properties, ) predictions: dict[PropertyKey, torch.Tensor] = { MACE_KEY_MAPPING[key]: value for key, value in raw_predictions.items() if key in MACE_KEY_MAPPING } if not is_batch(graph): for p in ["energy", "stress", "virial"]: if p in properties: predictions[p] = predictions[p].squeeze() return {k: v for k, v in predictions.items() if k in properties}
def _fix_dtype(model: torch.nn.Module, dtype: torch.dtype) -> None: for tensor in chain( model.parameters(), model.buffers(), ): if tensor.dtype.is_floating_point: = def _get_dtype( precision: Literal["float32", "float64"] | None, ) -> torch.dtype: if precision is None: return torch.get_default_dtype() return {"float32": torch.float32, "float64": torch.float64}[precision]
[docs] def mace_mp( model: Literal["small", "medium", "large"], precision: Literal["float32", "float64"] | None = None, ) -> MACEWrapper: """ Donwload a MACE-MP model and convert it for use with ``graph-pes``. Internally, we use the `foundation_models <>`__ functionality from the `mace-torch <>`__ package. Please cite the following if you use this model: - MACE-MP by Ilyes Batatia, Philipp Benner, Yuan Chiang, Alin M. Elena, Dávid P. Kovács, Janosh Riebesell, et al., 2023, arXiv:2401.00096 - MACE-Universal by Yuan Chiang, 2023, Hugging Face, Revision e5ebd9b, DOI: 10.57967/hf/1202, URL: - Matbench Discovery by Janosh Riebesell, Rhys EA Goodall, Philipp Benner, Yuan Chiang, Alpha A Lee, Anubhav Jain, Kristin A Persson, 2023, arXiv:2308.14920 Parameters ---------- model The size of the MACE-MP model to download. precision The precision of the model. If ``None``, the default precision of torch will be used (you can set this when using ``graph-pes-train`` via ``general/torch/dtype``) """ # noqa: E501 from mace.calculators.foundations_models import mace_mp dtype = _get_dtype(precision) precision_str = {torch.float32: "float32", torch.float64: "float64"}[dtype] mace_torch_model = mace_mp( model, device="cpu", default_dtype=precision_str, return_raw_model=True, ) assert isinstance(mace_torch_model, torch.nn.Module) _fix_dtype(mace_torch_model, dtype) return MACEWrapper(mace_torch_model)
[docs] def mace_off( model: Literal["small", "medium", "large"], precision: Literal["float32", "float64"] | None = None, ) -> MACEWrapper: """ Download a MACE-OFF model and convert it for use with ``graph-pes``. If you use this model, please cite the relevant paper by Kovacs, arXiv:2312.15211 Parameters ---------- model The size of the MACE-OFF model to download. precision The precision of the model. """ # noqa: E501 from mace.calculators.foundations_models import mace_off dtype = _get_dtype(precision) precision_str = {torch.float32: "float32", torch.float64: "float64"}[dtype] mace_torch_model = mace_off( model, device="cpu", default_dtype=precision_str, return_raw_model=True, ) assert isinstance(mace_torch_model, torch.nn.Module) _fix_dtype(mace_torch_model, dtype) return MACEWrapper(mace_torch_model)
[docs] def go_mace_23( precision: Literal["float32", "float64"] | None = None, ) -> MACEWrapper: """ Download the `GO-MACE-23 model <>`__ and convert it for use with ``graph-pes``. .. note:: This model is only for use on structures containing Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Attempting to use on structures with other elements will raise an error. If you use this model, please cite the following: .. code-block:: bibtex @article{El-Machachi-24, title = {Accelerated {{First-Principles Exploration}} of {{Structure}} and {{Reactivity}} in {{Graphene Oxide}}}, author = {{El-Machachi}, Zakariya and Frantzov, Damyan and Nijamudheen, A. and Zarrouk, Tigany and Caro, Miguel A. and Deringer, Volker L.}, year = {2024}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, volume = {63}, number = {52}, pages = {e202410088}, doi = {10.1002/anie.202410088}, } """ # noqa: E501 dtype = _get_dtype(precision) url = "" save_path = Path.home() / ".graph-pes" / "" save_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not save_path.exists(): print(f"Downloading GO-MACE-23 model to {save_path}") response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for bad status codes with open(save_path, "wb") as file: file.write(response.content) print(f"Loading GO-MACE-23 model from {save_path}") mace_torch_model = torch.load( save_path, weights_only=False, map_location=torch.device("cpu") ) for p in mace_torch_model.parameters(): = model = MACEWrapper(mace_torch_model) return model