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graph-pes is a set of tools designed to accelerate the development of machine-learned potential energy surfaces (ML-PESs) that act on graph representations of atomic structures.

A 3-in-1 toolset:

graph_pes: a Python library of components for training ML-PESs

This includes:

graph_pes is written in vanilla PyTorch that is 100% compatible with TorchScript compilation for use within LAMMPS

graph-pes-train: a command line tool for training ML-PESs
pair_style graph_pes: a LAMMPS pair style for GPU-accelerated MD
  • use this to drive GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with any model that inherits from GraphPESModel (i.e. both ones we’ve implemented and also your own)

  • we’ve included helper scripts to automate the LAMMPS build process for you


pip install graph-pes
wget -O config.yaml
graph-pes-train config.yaml

Alternatively, open any of these notebooks to get started. Install graph-pes to follow along locally, or run the code in the cloud using Google Colab.


We recommend installing graph-pes in a new environment, e.g. using conda:

conda create -n graph-pes python=3.10 -y
conda activate graph-pes

Install graph-pes from PyPI using pip (installs all dependencies):

pip install graph-pes

Please see the GitHub repository for the source code.