.. This file is autogenerated by dev/scripts/generate_page.py GO-MACE-23 ========== .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 .. grid-item:: .. raw:: html :file: ../_static/visualisations/GO-MACE-23.html .. grid-item:: :class: info-card The complete dataset (``"iter-12-filtered"``) used for training and testing the `GO-MACE-23 `__ interatomic potential. This dataset covers a wide range of graphene-oxide relevant configurations, several different stoichiometries, and many different functional groups. DFT labels were generated using `CASTEP `__ with the PBE functional. Original data were obtained from `Zenodo `__. Reference energies for isolated atoms are ``{"C": -148.6811580026, "H": -12.53432584235, "O": -431.6357255604}``. .. code-block:: pycon >>> from load_atoms import load_dataset >>> load_dataset("GO-MACE-23") GO-MACE-23: structures: 3,816 atoms: 768,256 species: C: 69.86% O: 19.54% H: 10.60% properties: per atom: (forces) per structure: (energy, split) License ------- This dataset is licensed under the `CC BY 4.0 `_ license. Citation -------- If you use this dataset in your work, please cite the following: .. code-block:: latex @article{El-Machachi-24-11, title = { Accelerated First-Principles Exploration of Structure and Reactivity in Graphene Oxide }, author = { {El-Machachi}, Zakariya and Frantzov, Damyan and Nijamudheen, A. and Zarrouk, Tigany and Caro, Miguel A. and Deringer, Volker L. }, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, volume = {n/a}, number = {n/a}, pages = {e202410088}, doi = {10.1002/anie.202410088}, } Properties ---------- **Per-atom**: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Units - Type - Description * - :code:`forces` - eV/Å - :class:`ndarray(N, 3) ` - force vectors **Per-structure**: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Units - Type - Description * - :code:`energy` - eV - :class:`~float64` - total structure energy * - :code:`split` - - :class:`~str` - | whether the structure was used | for training (``"train"``) | or testing (``"test"``) Miscellaneous information ------------------------- ``GO-MACE-23`` is imported as an :class:`~load_atoms.atoms_dataset.InMemoryAtomsDataset`: .. dropdown:: Importer script for :code:`GO-MACE-23` .. literalinclude:: ../../../src/load_atoms/database/importers/go_mace_23.py :language: python .. dropdown:: :class:`~load_atoms.database.DatabaseEntry` for :code:`GO-MACE-23` .. code-block:: yaml name: GO-MACE-23 year: 2023 description: | The complete dataset (``"iter-12-filtered"``) used for training and testing the `GO-MACE-23 `__ interatomic potential. This dataset covers a wide range of graphene-oxide relevant configurations, several different stoichiometries, and many different functional groups. DFT labels were generated using `CASTEP `__ with the PBE functional. Original data were obtained from `Zenodo `__. Reference energies for isolated atoms are ``{"C": -148.6811580026, "H": -12.53432584235, "O": -431.6357255604}``. category: Potential Fitting minimum_load_atoms_version: 0.2 citation: | @article{El-Machachi-24-11, title = { Accelerated First-Principles Exploration of Structure and Reactivity in Graphene Oxide }, author = { {El-Machachi}, Zakariya and Frantzov, Damyan and Nijamudheen, A. and Zarrouk, Tigany and Caro, Miguel A. and Deringer, Volker L. }, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, volume = {n/a}, number = {n/a}, pages = {e202410088}, doi = {10.1002/anie.202410088}, } license: CC BY 4.0 per_atom_properties: forces: desc: force vectors units: eV/Å per_structure_properties: energy: desc: total structure energy units: eV split: desc: | | whether the structure was used | for training (``"train"``) | or testing (``"test"``) representative_structure: 1894