.. This file is autogenerated by dev/scripts/generate_page.py ############## Synthetic Data ############## .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`AC-2D-22 <../datasets/AC-2D-22>` Amorphous, 2D graphene structures generated using a Monte Carlo bond-switching algorithm, as described in Figure 3 of the paper: `Exploring the Configurational Space of Amorphous Graphene with Machine-Learned Atomic Energies `_. Files are downloaded from `Zenodo `_. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`C-SYNTH-23M <../datasets/C-SYNTH-23M>` The complete "synthetic" dataset of carbon structures from `Synthetic Data Enable Experiments in Atomistic Machine Learning `_. This dataset comprises 546 uncorrelated MD trajectories, each containing 200 atoms, driven by the `C-GAP-17 `_ interatomic potential, and sampled every 1ps. The structures cover a wide range of densities, temperatures and degrees of dis/order. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ../datasets/AC-2D-22 ../datasets/C-SYNTH-23M