.. This file is autogenerated by dev/scripts/generate_page.py ################# Potential Fitting ################# .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`C-GAP-17 <../datasets/C-GAP-17>` The complete dataset and labels used to train and test the `C-GAP-17 `_ interatomic potential for amorphous carbon. This dataset was built in an iterative manner, and contains 4,530 structures, covering a wide range of densities, temperatures and degrees of dis/order. More detail can be found in the paper's `supplementary information `__. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`C-GAP-20U <../datasets/C-GAP-20U>` The complete dataset used for training the `C-GAP-20U `_ interatomic potential for carbon. Suitably converged labels were obtained with revised DFT settings, see `CAM.840-6 `_. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`GST-GAP-22 <../datasets/GST-GAP-22>` The complete dataset used for training the `GST-GAP-22 `_ interatomic potential, as labelled using the PBE functional. This dataset covers a range of compositions along the :math:`\text{GeTe} \rightarrow \text{Sb}_2\text{Te}_3` pseudo-binary line, and was created using a two-step iterative process. More details are available in the paper's `supplementary information `__. The original data were obtained from `Zenodo `_. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`P-GAP-20 <../datasets/P-GAP-20>` The complete Phosphorus dataset used to train the `P-GAP-20 `_ model from `A General-Purpose Machine-Learning Force Field for Bulk and Nanostructured Phosphorus `_. This dataset contains structures generated by GAP-RSS, together with liquids, crystals and isolated fragments. For more information about the dataset's construction, see the paper's `Supplementary Information `__. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`Si-GAP-18 <../datasets/Si-GAP-18>` The complete dataset used to train the `Si-GAP-18 `_ model from `Machine Learning a General-Purpose Interatomic Potential for Silicon `_. The CUR algorithm was used to select representative structures from a larger dataset. Energy and force labels were calculated using the PW91 exchange-correlation functional as implemented in :code:`CASTEP` (see :code:`II.B: Database` of the paper). .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`SiO2-GAP-22 <../datasets/SiO2-GAP-22>` The training database used to fit the `GAP-22 potential for silica `_ in: `A Machine-Learned Interatomic Potential for Silica and Its Relation to Empirical Models `_. The dataset was generated using an iterative approach, in some cases driven by an emprical potential. More details are available in the `supplementary information `_. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`SiOx-ACE-24 <../datasets/SiOx-ACE-24>` The training database used to fit the `SiOx-ACE-24 potential `_ in: `Modelling atomic and nanoscale structure in the silicon-oxygen system through active machine-learning `_. The dataset comprises structures taken from the `Si-GAP-18 `__ and `SiO2-GAP-22 `__ datasets, together with new structures generated using an active-learning approach. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ../datasets/C-GAP-17 ../datasets/C-GAP-20U ../datasets/GST-GAP-22 ../datasets/P-GAP-20 ../datasets/Si-GAP-18 ../datasets/SiO2-GAP-22 ../datasets/SiOx-ACE-24