.. This file is autogenerated by dev/scripts/generate_page.py ########## Benchmarks ########## .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`ANI-1ccx <../datasets/ANI-1ccx>` The ANI-1ccx dataset comprises an "optimally spanning" subset of the :doc:`/datasets/ANI-1x` dataset, with each structure being re-labelled with the total structure energy using the "gold standard" CCSD(T)/CBS level of theory. Internall, files are downloaded from `FigShare `__. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`ANI-1x <../datasets/ANI-1x>` The ANI-1x dataset is a comprehensive collection of labelled molecular structures designed for training machine learned potentials. ANI-1x was generated using an active learning approach to produce a diverse and useful dataset covering the chemical space of organic molecules composed of C, H, N, and O atoms, Accurate energy and force labels are provided for each structure using the :math:`\omega`\ B97x/6-31G(d) level of theory. Internall, files are downloaded from `FigShare `__. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`QM7 <../datasets/QM7>` A collection of 7,165 saturated, small molecules containing up to 7 heavy atoms, with geometries relaxed using an empirical potential. Atomisation energies were calculated similarly to a FHI-AIMS implementation of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof hybrid functional (PBE0). Original files were obtained from `quantum-machine.org `_. Energies have been converted from kcal/mol to eV. .. grid-item-card:: :class-item: info-card .. centered:: :doc:`QM9 <../datasets/QM9>` 134k stable organic molecules made up of CHONF and containing up to 9 heavy atoms. Each molecule's geometry was relaxed at the PM7 semi-empirical level of theory, before being labelled with DFT. For more information, see `Quantum chemistry structures and properties of 134 kilo molecules `_. Internally, files are downloaded from `FigShare `_,. Energy labels are quoted in eV, relative to the isolated atoms of the molecule. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ../datasets/ANI-1ccx ../datasets/ANI-1x ../datasets/QM7 ../datasets/QM9