Config options ============== ``graph-pes-train`` is configured using a nested dictionary of options. The top-level keys that we look for are: ``model``, ``data``, ``loss``, ``fitting``, ``general`` and ``wandb``. You are free to add any additional top-level keys to your config files for your own purposes. This can be useful for easily referencing constants or repeated values using the ``=`` `reference syntax `__. .. code-block:: yaml # define a constant... CUTOFF: 10.0 # ... and reference it later model: +SchNet: cutoff: =/CUTOFF You will also notice the ``+`` syntax used throughout. Under-the-hood, we use the `data2objects `__ library to parse these config files, and this syntax is used to automatically instantiate objects. You can use this syntax to reference arbitrary python functions, classes and objects: .. code-block:: yaml # call your own functions/class constructors # with the ``+`` syntax and key word arguments key: +my_module.my_function: foo: 1 bar: 2 # syntactic sugar for calling a function # with no arguments key: +torch.nn.ReLU() # reference arbitrary objects # (note the lack of any key word arguments or parentheses) key: +my_module.my_object By default, we will look for any objects in the ``graph_pes`` namespace, and hence ``+SchNet`` is shorthand for ``graph_pes.models.SchNet`` etc. ``model`` --------- To specify the model to train, you need to point to something that instantiates a :class:`~graph_pes.GraphPESModel`: .. code-block:: yaml # point to the in-built Lennard-Jones model model: +LennardJones: sigma: 0.1 epsilon: 1.0 # or point to a custom model model: +my_model.SpecialModel() ...or pass a dictionary mapping custom names to :class:`~graph_pes.GraphPESModel` objects: .. code-block:: yaml model: offset: +FixedOffset: { H: -123.4, C: -456.7 } many-body: +SchNet() The latter approach will be used to instantiate an :class:`~graph_pes.models.AdditionModel`, in this case with :class:`~graph_pes.models.FixedOffset` and :class:`~graph_pes.models.SchNet` components. This is a useful approach for dealing with arbitrary offset energies. You can fine-tune an existing model by pointing ``graph-pes-train`` to an existing model: .. code-block:: yaml model: +load_model: path: path/to/ You could also load in parts of a model if e.g. you are fine-tuning on a different level of theory with different offsets: .. code-block:: yaml model: offset: +LearnableOffset() force_field: +load_model_component: path: path/to/ See `the fine-tuning guide `__, :func:`~graph_pes.models.load_model`, and :func:`~graph_pes.models.load_model_component` for more details. ``data`` -------- To specify the data you wish to use, you need to point to point to a dictionary that maps the keys ``"train"`` and ``"valid"`` to :class:`` instances. A common way to do this is by using the :func:`` function: .. code-block:: yaml data: train: +file_dataset: path: data/ cutoff: 5.0 n: 1000 shuffle: true seed: 42 valid: +file_dataset: path: data/ cutoff: 5.0 Alternatively, you can point to a function that returns such a dictionary: .. code-block:: yaml data: +my_module.my_fitting_data: cutoff: 5.0 This is what the :func:`` function does: .. code-block:: yaml data: +load_atoms_dataset: id: QM9 cutoff: 5.0 n_train: 10000 n_val: 1000 property_map: energy: U0 After training is finished, the ``graph-pes-train`` command will load the best model weights and re-test the model on the training and validation data. You can also test on other datasets at this point by including a ``"test"`` key in your config file. This should either point to: * a :class:`` instance (in which case testing metrics will be logged to ``"best_model/test/"``) .. code-block:: yaml data: train: ... valid: ... test: +file_dataset: path: cutoff: 5.0 * a dictionary mapping custom names to :class:`` instances (in which case testing metrics will be logged to ``"best_model//"``) .. code-block:: yaml data: train: ... valid: ... test: dimers: +file_dataset: path: data/ cutoff: 5.0 clusters: +file_dataset: path: data/ cutoff: 5.0 ``loss`` -------- This config section should either point to something that instantiates a single :class:`` object... .. code-block:: yaml # basic per-atom energy loss loss: +PerAtomEnergyLoss() # or more fine-grained control loss: +PropertyLoss: property: stress metric: MAE # defaults to RMSE if not specified ...or specify a list of :class:`` instances... .. code-block:: yaml loss: # specify a loss with several components: - +PerAtomEnergyLoss() # defaults to weight 1.0 - +PropertyLoss: property: forces metric: MSE weight: 10.0 ...or point to your own custom loss implementation, either in isolation: .. code-block:: yaml loss: +my.module.CustomLoss: { alpha: 0.5 } ...or in conjunction with other components: .. code-block:: yaml loss: - +PerAtomEnergyLoss() - +my.module.CustomLoss: { alpha: 0.5 } If you want to sweep over a loss component weight via the command line, you can use a dictionary mapping arbitrary strings to loss instances like so: .. code-block:: yaml loss: energy: +PerAtomEnergyLoss() forces: +ForceRMSE: weight: 5.0 allowing you to run a command such as: .. code-block:: bash for weight in 0.1 0.5 1.0; do graph-pes-train config.yaml loss/forces/+ForceRMSE/weight=$weight done ``fitting`` ----------- The ``fitting`` section of the config is used to specify various hyperparameters and behaviours of the training process. Optimizer +++++++++ Configure the optimizer to use to train the model by pointing to something that instantiates a :class:``. The default is: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: optimizer: +Optimizer: name: Adam lr: 3e-3 weight_decay: 0.0 amsgrad: false but you could also point to your own custom optimizer: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: optimizer: +my.module.MagicOptimizer() .. _learning rate scheduler: Learning rate scheduler +++++++++++++++++++++++ Configure the learning rate scheduler to use to train the model by pointing to something that instantiates a :class:``. For instance: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: scheduler: +LRScheduler: name: ReduceLROnPlateau factor: 0.5 patience: 10 By default, no learning rate scheduler is used if you don't specify one, or if you specify ``null``: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: scheduler: null Model pre-fitting ++++++++++++++++++ To turn off :ref:`pre-fitting of the model `, override the ``pre_fit_model`` field (default is ``true``): .. code-block:: yaml fitting: pre_fit_model: false To set the maximum number of graphs to use for :ref:`pre-fitting `, override the ``max_n_pre_fit`` field (default is ``5_000``). These graphs will be randomly sampled from the training data. To use all the training data, set this to ``null``: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: max_n_pre_fit: 1000 Early stopping +++++++++++++++ Turn on early stopping by setting the ``early_stopping_patience`` field to an integer value (by default it is ``null``, indicating that early stopping is disabled). This will stop training when the total validation loss (``"valid/loss/total"``) has not improved for ``early_stopping_patience`` validation checks. .. code-block:: yaml fitting: early_stopping_patience: 10 To have more fine-grained control over early stopping, set this field to ``null`` and use the ``callbacks`` field to add an `EarlyStopping `__ Lightning callback: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: early_stopping_patience: null callbacks: - +pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping: monitor: valid/loss/forces_rmse patience: 100 min_delta: 0.01 mode: min Data loaders ++++++++++++ Data loaders are responsible for sampling batches of data from the dataset. We use :class:`` instances to do this. These inherit from the PyTorch :class:`` class, and hence you can pass any key word arguments to the underlying loader by setting the ``loader_kwargs`` field: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: loader_kwargs: seed: 42 batch_size: 32 persistent_workers: true num_workers: 4 See the `PyTorch documentation `__ for details. We reccommend using several, persistent workers, since loading data can be a bottleneck, either due to expensive read operations from disk, or due to the time taken to convert the underlying data into :class:`~graph_pes.AtomicGraph` objects (calculating neighbour lists etc.). Caution: setting the ``shuffle`` field here will have no effect: we always shuffle the training data, and keep the validation and testing data in order. .. _swa: Stochastic weight averaging +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Configure stochastic weight averaging (SWA) by specifying fields from the :class:`` class, e.g.: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: swa: lr: 1e-3 start: 0.8 anneal_epochs: 10 .. autoclass:: :members: .. _callbacks: Callbacks +++++++++ PyTorch Lightning callbacks are a convenient way to add additional functionality to the training process. We implement several useful callbacks in ```` (e.g. :class:``). Use the ``callbacks`` field to define a list of these, or any other :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.Callback` objects, that you wish to use: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: callbacks: - - +my_module.my_callback: { foo: 1, bar: 2 } PyTorch Lightning Trainer +++++++++++++++++++++++++ You are free to configure the PyTorch Lightning trainer as you see fit using the ``trainer_kwargs`` field - these keyword arguments will be passed directly to the :class:`~pytorch_lightning.Trainer` constructor. By default, we train for 100 epochs on the best device available (and disable model summaries): .. code-block:: yaml fitting: trainer_kwargs: max_epochs: 100 accelerator: auto enable_model_summary: false You can use this functionality to configure any other PyTorch Lightning trainer options, including... * :ref:`gradient clipping ` * :ref:`validation frequency ` .. _gradient-clipping: Gradient clipping +++++++++++++++++ Use the ``trainer_kwargs`` field to configure gradient clipping, e.g.: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: trainer_kwargs: gradient_clip_val: 1.0 gradient_clip_algorithm: "norm" .. _validation-frequency: Validation frequency ++++++++++++++++++++ Use the ``trainer_kwargs`` field to configure validation frequency. For instance, to validate at 10\%, 20\%, 30\% etc. through the training dataset: .. code-block:: yaml fitting: trainer_kwargs: val_check_interval: 0.1 See the `PyTorch Lightning documentation `__ for details. ``wandb`` --------- Disable weights & biases logging: .. code-block:: yaml wandb: null Otherwise, provide a dictionary of overrides to pass to lightning's `WandbLogger `__ .. code-block:: yaml wandb: project: my_project entity: my_entity tags: [my_tag] ``general`` ----------- Other miscellaneous configuration options are defined here: Random seed +++++++++++ Set the global random seed for reproducibility by setting this to an integer value (by default it is ``42``). This is used to set the random seed for the ``torch``, ``numpy`` and ``random`` modules. .. code-block:: yaml general: seed: 42 Output location +++++++++++++++ The outputs from a training run (model weights, logs etc.) are stored in ``.//`` (relative to the current working directory when you run ``graph-pes-train``). By default, we use: .. code-block:: yaml general: root_dir: graph-pes-results run_id: null # a random run ID will be generated You are free to specify any other root directory, and any run ID. If the same run ID is specified for multiple runs, we add numbers to the end of the run ID to make it unique (i.e. ``my_run``, ``my_run_1``, ``my_run_2``, etc.): .. code-block:: yaml general: root_dir: my_results run_id: my_run Logging verbosity +++++++++++++++++ Set the logging verbosity for the training run by setting this to a string value (by default it is ``"INFO"``). .. code-block:: yaml general: log_level: DEBUG Progress bar ++++++++++++ Set the progress bar style to use by setting this to either: * ``"rich"``: use the `RichProgressBar `__ implemented in PyTorch Lightning to display a progress bar. This will not be displayed in any logs. * ``"logged"``: prints the validation metrics to the console at the end of each validation check. .. code-block:: yaml general: progress: logged Torch options +++++++++++++ Configure common PyTorch options by setting the ``general.torch`` field to a dictionary of values from the :class:`~graph_pes.config.shared.TorchConfig` class, e.g.: .. code-block:: yaml general: torch: dtype: float32 float32_matmul_precision: high .. autoclass:: graph_pes.config.shared.TorchConfig() :members: